+34 856 55 1008 omeka@libnamic.com

Frequently asked questions

Have A Question in Mind?

We made a compilation with the most frequently asked questions about Omeka and our services. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you can’t find an answer here; we’d like to make this list as comprehensive as possible.


What is Omeka Classic?

Omeka Classic is a web publishing platform. It is simple to use and highly recommended for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online documentations.

What is Omeka S. What is its major advantage over Omeka Classic?

Omeka S is a web publication system for universities, galleries, libraries, archives, and museums. It consists of a network of independently curated sites sharing a collaboratively built pool of items, media, and their metadata.
Omeka Classic was designed for a single site around a general theme, while Omeka S is a multisite system. Because of this, Omeka S is recommended for institutions managing multiple independent projects, which can share a resource pool.

Is Omeka S paid?

Just like Omeka Classic, Omeka S is an open-source project, so the application is free to install and use as long as you have the necessary means.

Can I migrate my content from Omeka Classic to Omeka S. If yes, then how?

Omeka S has a different inner structure, but items, including metadata and media, can be migrated from Omeka Classic by using a module.

Is there any limitation on the number of users who can work on the Omeka Site?

No, there is no limitation.

What is Dublin Core?

The most popular metadata set used in Omeka is Dublin Core. It is a small set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe digital resources (video, images, web pages, etc.), as well as physical resources such as books or CDs, and objects like artworks.
Two forms of Dublin Core exist: Simple Dublin Core and Qualified Dublin Core. Simple Dublin Core expresses elements as attribute-value pairs using just the 15 metadata elements from the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. Qualified Dublin Core increases the specificity of metadata by adding information about encoding schemes, enumerated lists of values, or other processing clues.

Should I learn how to use Omeka?

Learning about Omeka can improve your employability or benefit your current institution from its possibilities. The platform is very useful for libraries, archives, museums etc. as a manner of organizing and publishing contents about collections and research. Many institutions can benefit from this software, and some are already appreciating this skill in hiring processes.

What is the best resource that a user can refer to get started with Omeka S?

The official documentation is at https://omeka.org/s/docs/user-manual/.

What are item sets in Omeka S?

Item sets are just an aggregation of items. It is similar to Omeka Classic collections. In Omeka S, items may belong to any number of sets, and an item set can have any number of items.

Who is referred to as global admin and site admin on Omeka S?

A user with the role of the global admin is someone who controls everything and is typically the person who created the Installation.
A site admin is an administrator of only certain sites within an Omeka S installation, and they cannot modify global settings.

What is a Resource template in Omeka S?

A set of predefined metadata fields to be used for certain kinds of items, in order to guide Item creation and interpretation of Properties.

How to embed a Youtube video in Omeka?

Videos from Youtube and other platforms can be added as item media or they can be directly inserted in the site (Omeka S) or exhibit (Classic) pages.

Still have questions? Reach us.

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