+34 856 55 1008 omeka@libnamic.com

Omeka Classic vs Omeka S

Ya hemos hablado, en diferentes ocasiones, sobre Omeka, siempre haciendo referencia a la versión S (Semantic), pero ¿Qué diferencias existen entre Omeka Classic vs Omeka S? En este post intentaremos mostrártelas de una forma sencilla y clara y darte nuestra opinión si...

Omeka S theme

Libnamic, in its eagerness to contribute to the Omeka developer and user community, has developed a free theme for Omeka S that improves the display of content. If you want to know how to modify the default Omeka S theme, you can see an entry here, in which we detail...
Dublin Core en Omeka S

Dublin Core en Omeka S

El Dublin Core en Omeka S o la Iniciativa de Metadatos Dublin Core (DCMI) es el esquema de metainformación más utilizado a nivel mundial. El Dublin Core se define por la norma ISO15836, que define el Conjunto de Elementos Dublin Core, “DC simple”. Esta...
Omeka Training at the University of Cádiz

Omeka Training at the University of Cádiz

Last week, Libnamic visited the University of Cádiz to provide comprehensive training about Omeka Classic and Omeka S. During the two sessions, librarians could compare both versions and learn most Omeka features. The Library requested this course to train its staff...